Tuesday, March 31, 2009

No Strings

Chess has a whole new connotation for me now.

Friday, March 27, 2009

New Feature: Flirting with the BMGG*

BMGG: hey can I borrow a piece of tape?
VR: sure, but it's not really borrowing is it? I mean I won't be getting that piece back.
BMGG: *laughs* true
VR: it's kinda like a condom in that way
BMGG: *laughs* oh I dunno, I could just rinse it out
VR: ewww. no thanks. I know there's an economic downturn going on right now...
BMGG: ...but that's one thing we SHOULD be spending money on, right? *laughing*

* Big Manly Guyanian Guy...*swoon*

Recruitment Drive 2009

Have severed ties with 2 former members of the Pashmina Mafia. It had to be done. I can suffer only so many fools glady and I have hit my quota for the year.

I Will be accepting resumes for fiesty fun and fearless females sans body-image hangups and non-self-involvement to the point of obsfucation of all and anyone else. Be fab. Be friendly. Be forgiving.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lunch Interlude

VR: (heating up a frozen pasta lunchable in the micro)
Russian: hmmmm what smells so good? is that you? are you heating up a Michelina?
VR: yes
Russian: you know you have to the dance..."heeeyyyy Michelina!"
VR: you'd like to see me dance wouldn't you? *batts eyelashes*
Russian: Oh yes. *smiles*
VR: I'd like to see YOU do the Pepto Bismol dance myself...
[Originally posted elsewhere June 22, 2007]

Ugh. am sooo tired. Even tho I slept, I had weird tense dreams where I was in this military anti-terriorist SWAT team scouring the city for nuclear devices disguised at packs of brightly coloured Post-Its, yelling at people "don't pick up the post-its!!!". Stupid dream. So I woke up late and didn't do any yoga. Blah. The scale this morning was blase, same old same old. Since I'll be doing a lot walking around today hunting down an espresso machine, and some swimming this weekend (yay!) I guess it will balance itself out. I hope it will balance out. Had another yummy salad for lunch, avocado and tuna on frisse and endive. Num...gah! just noticed I'm out of post-its! how did that happen??

Diary of a Happy Fat Girl

[Originally posted elsewhere Thursday June 21, 2007]

For reasons unknown body woke up at 5:15 am even though subconscious mind was happily wrapped in the muscly tanned arms of Matthew Maconnahey. Stupid body! So rather than langour in bed I got up and thought I'll pop the Yoga DVD in. Oof. Harder than I thought. Actually broke a sweat. Muscles and sinew are very stiff and uncooperative. But I felt really good, all oxygenated and vital. hmmm must try to do this every morning. Sorry Matty. Also made nice healthyful salad for lunch, which will save me money and make me feel all healthy-smug while co-workers munch greasy burgers and fries...and spicy goat roti. Damn I forgot it's roti day in the resto..fawkah. Well I also packed a yummy strawberry-chocolate biscotti for dessert. A little sweetness goes a long way.

Addendum 930 pm - had two cheeseburgers and 5 cinnamon-bread sticks for dinner. So much for healthy-smug :(

Recurring Themes

This is old stuff I posted elsewhere but I have to remind myself if noone else...

Oprah needs to love herself...


I'm not a big fan of Oprah, but I respect immensely what she has accomplished. This news about her "embarassment" at hitting 200 pounds makes me sad. She sounds to me like she should work more on her self-esteem rather than killing herself trying to lose weight. Maybe her body knows better than she does and it naturally goes to 200 pounds no matter what she does? I'm all for eating healthy and exercising to feel healthier but not for appearances sake. And really who cares, when she looks so great. She has a great bust and a curvacious form! I'd love to fill out a dress like that! Seriously, she should learn to love herself and not apologise for her size. My god she's the most influencial woman on the planet right now! What kind of message does this send to young women and girls struggling with body image? Oprah, and all plus size women, need to look in the mirror and tell ourselves every single day: "YES I AM A BIG WOMAN - I HAVE A BIG HEART AND IT NEEDS A WHOLE LOTTA ROOM!"

Monday, March 2, 2009

Laissez les bonnes temps roulez!

a post-Mardi-Gras Party summary...

I looked “fierce” IMHO.
I arrived already a little shitfaced from pre-drinking. Vodka and seltzer in a water bottle is a lovely bus and subway apperitif.
Was a bit phony-friendly with S when I literally bumped into her at the bar. Hugged and kissed her because I know she HATES that, germs and cooties and all of that.
Groped the Dick in exchange for beads
Dirty danced with a dirty Frenchman
Dirty Frenchman bought me a drink
P bought me a drink
Spilled my drink down P's wife R's back
Licked spilled drink off of R's back. One cannot waste perfectly good alcohol in this economy.
Someone else offered to replace my drink.
Realized it’s very easy to get men to buy me drinks, just ask, and pout, and repay with a kiss.
Nicely kissed (no tongue) B (who was also fairly shitfaced) and he said he missed me. I realized I miss him too.
Very drunk M said she liked me “no matter what anyone says” which made me laugh and realized I am not famous, am infamous. Which I much rather prefer.
I danced.
And danced.
And danced.
Came home alone at 2:30am with a very nice cabbie whose name I couldn't pronounce sober much less 3 sheets to the wind and we talked about the economy.
All else is foogy.
Was a glorious nite.