Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Just venting

Because I can't put this on my Year-end Performance Evaluation (career suicide) but am still so irritated with this whole process to let it slide into silence, I am putting it here. It may eventually bite me on the ass but they'll have to dig for it. Plus I highly doubt my manager will understand the reference to Papal Indulgences.
Under Employee's Self-Assessment, I have excised:
"I have not completed any of my Projects and Career Objectives proposed for this year. Some do not have the extra time for special projects and career objectives, as they are busy doing their regular day-to day work in a timely fashion as proscribed in the measurable portion of this plan. Not that any of it matters anyway, as opportunities (if any arise at all) for advancement or promotion are doled out like Papal Indulgences only to those who are not, unsurprisingly, as productive in their day-to-day duties so as to allow themselves time to complete their "special projects" and highlight this in their evaluations. Some of us are picking up the slack of those who are ill-using their time to complete their special projects and career objectives. Given that Projects and Career objectives are not quantifiable here toward the Executive Member's Year-End Bonus anyway, it's a moot point and a pointless exercise."
So now I have a gaping maw of a blank box to write some neutral-sounding self-reflection on my personal work year, and cannot think of a single thing to say.
I hate my job.