Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I'm going to be playing around with the design of this site as well as adding some features. Don't be surprised if the look changes from the last time you viewed. Just me, being a woman, changing things around and moving furniture.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

so we have a company party on Saturday and we're talking about it, what we are going to wear who we are bringing as a guest etc..

Nova Scotia Carol: I'm bringing my friend Owen, he's 6ft 6' tall
Me: hello! you know what they say about tall men, tall men with big feet
‎ Russian: oh that's a myth. Besides it's all about the personality
Me: says the man with small feet

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Russian: hey do you have a $10 bill?
Me: Depends. What are you going to do for it?
Russian: Give you two $5 bills?
Me: ah c'mon!
Russian: ok ok, I'll show you my ankle *batts eyelashes*
Me: ohhh careful tho you 'll have to lift your burka up for that, lol
Russian: Coffee time!
Me: *looks at clock* wow that came quickly
Russian: What? I came quickly?
Me: oh no no, believe me if YOU came quickly I'd be much more upset
Russian; what?... oh.. it's too early for that nonsense!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

On approaching 40

In approximately 8 months I will be turning 40 years of age. When I was younger this seemed very old to me and a far ways away. It has crept up on me, stealthily, while I was distracted. For the last 6 years I have been stuck in an illusion, mired in a relationship that was going nowhere, allowing my heart to be broken and mended until the fabric of my soul was a worn and threadbare patchwork, bartering my present fulfillment for some future-hoped love and security that could never realistically happen.

But that's over now.

Now I am only living for myself, planing my future for myself, working on goals that will benefit only me, and no one else. It is a time of re-invention, re-evaluation and regeneration, of rediscovering who I am by myself, for myself and of building up my emotional and spiritual strength. It will be hard and lonely I know, requiring times of isolation, but like any dark night of the soul or journey into the unknown that the mystics occasionally took to reconnect with thier spiritual strength, at the end I will be stronger and more truly myself then I ever was.

Found this on the internet regarding tips on turning 40, and I do adore a checklist...

The 40 things every woman must have by the time she turns 40

1.) Peace of mind (and a piece of property).
2.) A will.
3.) Willpower.
4.) A savings account in your own name (and an RRSP in the name of your future security).
5.) A mammogram.
6.) A manicure (not to mention a pedicure, a facial and a massage--all on the same day).
7.) A set of good matching luggage.
8.) A ticket to some exotic place to unpack it.
9.) A great hairdresser, gynecologist and stockbroker / financial planner.
10.) A passionate, fiery, unforgettable love affair.
11.) A little black dress that makes you look five pounds thinner.
12.) A sense of humor, style and purpose.
13.) A selfish streak.
14.) A spiritual foundation that gets you through a very bad night without going crazy.
15.) A facial foundation that gets you through a very long day.
16.) A good bra.
17.) A good spa.
18.) A library card (used often).
19.) A credit card (used sparingly).
20.) At least one person in your life who says: "You call, I come."
21.) Good body language (multilingual!).
22.) A broken heart and the knowledge you can survive it.
23.) A cause celebre (domestic violence, infant mortality, save the whales--your choice).
24.) A personal relationship with God/Goddess/Spirit.
25.) A personal trainer.
26.) Selective amnesia ("What Saturday morning meeting?").
27.) Gall.
28.) A good skin-care regimen.
29.) The ability to converse on any subject without benefit of concrete knowledge or access to facts.
30.) A shocking secret.
31.) A pair of silk pajamas.
32.) A lifetime membership in at least one organization dedicated to uplifting women.
33.) The phone number of someone who is good with their hands.
34.) At least one drop-dead, don't-speak-to-me-because-you-know-you-don't-know-me gorgeous photo of yourself.
35.) A friendship that has stood the test of time.
36.) One last chance to tell the guy you were crazy about in your 20s who treated you like cigarette ashes on the floor what you were too dumb to know when he walked out with your heart in his hands: "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
37.) A soul mate.
38.) Faith, hope and a good fantasy.
39.) A dream.
40.) A plan to make it come true