Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I sometimes wish I could find a pen pal. A real pen pal, not over e-mail, but rather another anachronistic writer of letters; long thoughtful, dirty-word filled and salacious, highly anticipated and treasured letters...on thick vellum paper or bespoke stationary, words in delicious cursive handwriting, delivered to me in slightly scented envelopes sealed with a personal wax seal across the closure.

I know I was born in the wrong era, and I recognize that in as little as 20 years people won't believe that we used to write letters by hand with a pen and on paper. In 20 years people may not even be able to hand write letters anymore, having lost the physical ability for it .

Much like we today cannot fathom people wrote with quills and pots of ink, and had to dust a page with sand to dry the ink before folding and sealing with a wax seal and entrusting it to a friend or enemy to deliver it to our desired recipient.. And yet, here we are today watching movies like Dangerous Liaisons and Immortal Beloved and we can see exactly that. This is pleasing to the few of us desirous for a time long ago of thoughtful meaningful communication. Although practicality dictates that I type this on a keyboard or peck at a tiny phone screen with painfully erroneous pokes of a fingertip.

And perhaps, it is just as Marshall McLuhan said,  the medium is the message.